(207) 846-1279
174 South Freeport Rd, Suite 2E, South Freeport, ME 04078
Law Office of Mark Standen
A boutique law firm offering estate and trust planning and administration
THE LAW OFFICE OF MARK STANDEN, LLC is a small law firm centering its practice on the areas of estate and trust planning and administration. In addition, a growing business law practice has naturally evolved from the trust and estates practice. In all areas, the firm is committed to providing counsel that is informed, creative and compassionate.
Mark Standen founded the firm in 2006, after a long tenure as chair of the trusts and estates practice at one of Portland's largest law firms. The firm is proud to offer sophisticated legal counsel in a comfortable and intimate setting in the town of Freeport, just fifteen miles north of Portland.
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Practice areas
Estate Planning
My estate planning clients are a diverse group, one that includes people with property interests of considerable value and complexity, young couples attending to estate planning for the first time, and everyone in between.
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Probate, Administration of Estates & Trusts; Contested Matters
In addition to planning for the appropriate disposition of property, I also regularly provide counsel with respect to probate and the administration of estates and trusts.
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Family Camp Planning
Regardless of whether you call it a “camp,” “cabin,” or “compound,” family properties are a cherished part of many families’ estates.
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Elder Law
I counsel clients in preparing for and addressing incapacity and disability. Depending on the client’s individual circumstances, I give guidance regarding the use of durable financial powers of attorney, advance health care directives, and various trusts, as well as asset protection strategies to help mitigate the various risks and challenges presented by the costs of long-term care.
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Informed, creative, and conscientious counsel
© Law Office of Mark Standen 2024
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